Premium of 26%, turnover rate of 647%! The popularity of new funds has skyrocketed this year, with multiple ETFs showing high premiums and a significant increase in the size of their assets under management.

2024-12-26 19:43

The S&P Consumer ETF, which was listed at the beginning of the year, was highly active, with a turnover rate of 647% throughout the day. The premium rate also reached 26.2%, and at one point during trading, the premium was close to 30%.
Today (December 26th), the ETF market is in a high heat state, with a total of 8 ETFs having a daily turnover rate of over 100% by the close of trading. Among them, the S&P Consumer ETF, which was listed at the beginning of the year, is highly active, with a turnover rate of 647% for the whole day and a premium rate of 26.2%, reaching nearly 30% at one point during trading.
Top-cross-border ETFs in trading volume today (as of the close on December 26th)
The heat of niche new funds rises again, and premium data hits new highs
In the past two months, the S&P Consumer ETF has changed its previous volatile trend and has been frequently active. By the close of trading today, based on the statistics of 37 trading days from November 6th to today, it has risen by nearly 44.6%, with a 16.7% increase just this week. From a trading perspective, the S&P Consumer ETF's trading volume and turnover rate today reached new highs since its listing, reaching 2.68 billion yuan and 646.7% respectively, representing a 156-fold and 92-fold increase compared to the previous daily average levels in October (0.17 billion yuan and 6.9%).
Changes in trading volume and turnover rate of the S&P Consumer ETF since its listing (as of the close on December 26th)
At the same time, the premium rate of the S&P Consumer ETF has also hit historic highs recently. By the close of trading today, its overall premium rate is 26.2%, ranking first among the various cross-border ETFs and also the ETF with the highest premium rate at the moment. Looking back at its market performance since its listing, the S&P Consumer ETF also experienced a high premium status in late November, recording a premium rate of 19.99% on November 28th, which was its highest premium data at that time. However, after entering December, its premium status has slightly fallen, until it rose again in recent days.
Changes in premium rate data of the S&P Consumer ETF since its listing (as of the close on December 26th)
Due to factors such as quota restrictions, the premium rates of cross-border ETFs are relatively high compared to overall ETFs. With the support of active funds, many cross-border ETFs often experience a sudden surge in popularity and significant market fluctuations. Looking back at the historical market trends in recent years, the Nasdaq Technology ETF had also recorded extremely high premium data, reaching 20.2% in early July this year. Generally, a high premium often indicates active capital, and for ordinary investors, it is necessary to make rational judgments in the market, be cautious in decision-making, and avoid chasing prices too high.
ETFs are experiencing a high premium trend again, with two bullish funds hitting the daily limit
In addition to the S&P Consumer ETF, the premium rate data of the China Asset Management Hong Kong Dividend ETF, the Wanjia Fund Hong Kong Central Enterprises Dividend ETF, and the Huatai Bairui Fund Hong Kong Stock Connect Dividend Low Volatility ETF, all of which were listed this year, have also surged recently, reaching 15.31%, 15.28%, and 14.11% respectively. The Fuguo Fund S&P 500 ETF, the Huitianfu Fund Nasdaq 100 ETF, the Huatai Fund Nasdaq ETF, the Jingshun Changcheng Fund Nasdaq Technology ETF, and the Huaxia Fund Nasdaq ETF are currently leading in premium data.
Data showing the top premium rates among ETF funds (fund size as of December 25th, other data as of December 26th)
It is worth noting that among the ETFs with a sharp increase in premium rates today, the China Asset Management Hong Kong Dividend ETF, and the Huatai Bairui Fund Hong Kong Stock Connect Dividend Low Volatility ETF both hit the daily limit. From the perspective of trading volume, the two funds both saw historic high trading volumes today, with an increase of nearly 77.9% and 131.6% respectively compared to yesterday. It is reported that the China Asset Management Hong Kong Dividend ETF and the Huatai Bairui Fund Hong Kong Stock Connect Dividend Low Volatility ETF mainly track the direction of the Hong Kong dividend, and currently, the fund size of the two ETFs is relatively small, with only 80 million yuan and 40 million yuan respectively.
Furthermore, several high-premium ETFs have recently seen significant increases in positions by funding clients. As of December 25th data, screening for ETF funds with premium rates exceeding 5%, the Fuguo Fund Nasdaq ETF, the Guangfa Fund Nasdaq ETF, and the Jingshun Changcheng Fund Nasdaq Technology ETF have each received nearly 150 million yuan, 120 million yuan, and 110 million yuan in net purchases over the past two weeks respectively. However, some high-premium ETFs have seen a significant decrease in net financing balances recently, with the Yifangda Fund US 50 ETF and the Huaxia Fund Nasdaq ETF ranking at the top in net sales over the past two weeks.
ETF funds with top increases in financing balances over the past two weeks and premium rates exceeding 5% (financing balance as of December 25th, other data as of December 26th)
This article is reproduced from "Cai Lianshe", GMTEight Editor: Xu Wenqiang.